The Wild Road to Cañon Tablachaca
Located on the border of La Libertad and Ancash regions in northwestern Peru, Tablachaca Canyon has been carved by the Tablachaca river over millions of years.

Located in the Andes mountain range, the road through the canyon is called AN-100 road. Road was recently asphalted but is extremely narrow, totally impassable for 2 cars at the same time. It shouldn’t be attempted by those who don't know how to reverse. Heavy or prolonged rain can cause local flash floods that cover the road with water or wash out culverts or bridges. It’s a long, slow going very narrow one lane road with steep drop-offs on the side but beautiful scenery.
This is definitely not a Sunday drive. Drive with care as this is a mountain road with dangerous dropoffs. A vertical fall of 1.000m is awaiting you on every turn. The route has humbled many egos. It’s not for the sissies and shouldn’t be attempted by novice drivers. Speed is limited to 35km/h. The road runs entirely over 1.200 meters above the sea level.