Bolognesi Road
Located in the Pallasca Province of Ancash, Peru, the road to Bolognesi is simply terrible: gravel surface, huge drops and very narrow.

The road to the small town of Bolognesi has countless hazards: narrow, gravel surface severe drops, very steep, without protections and a terrible weather. The road is 23.8 km, with 35 hairpin turns. The road is gravel extremely narrow, impassable for 2 cars at the same time. It’s a single lane 2 ways road. Stay away if you're scared of heights due the severe drops off (some of them higher than 600m). A 4WD vehicle and an experienced driver are recommended. Avoid driving in this area if unpaved mountain roads aren't your strong point.
The road is pretty steep. Starting from the Tablachaca river on the Ancash 100 road (at an elevation of 1.403m above the sea level), the road is 23.8km long. Over this distance, the elevation gain is 1.492 meters. The average percentage is 6.26% but the maximum slope is 10.2 %. This road tests the skill, and courage, of any driver. It’s definitely not for anyone suffering from vertigo or a fear of landslides. Only the suicidal, the insane, or the paid-to-do-this should ever drive down. One mistake and it's a free fall to your death.