Trans-Chaco Highway is one of the most iconic roads of South America
Trans-Chaco Highway, also known as Ruta Nacional 9, Ruta PY09, or Ruta Nacional Número 9 "Dr. Carlos Antonio López," is a significant road in South America.

Where does the Trans-Chaco Highway start and end?
This road connects José Falcón near Asunción, Paraguay, to the Bolivian border at Fortín Sgto. Rodríguez. It runs through Central, Presidente Hayes, and Boquerón departments. Upon reaching Argentina, it becomes National Route 11, and at the Bolivian border, it becomes National Route 6.
How long is the Trans-Chaco Highway?
The highway spans 775 km (481 miles) and was inaugurated in 1961. It was notorious for being one of South America's most challenging roads due to vehicles often getting stuck, especially during the rainy season.
Is the Trans-Chaco Highway paved?
Although the entire road was paved in 2007, the thin asphalt quickly deteriorated. The highway is now known for its dust, cracks, and frequent potholes. The road struggles to support heavy trucks due to its insufficient surface layer thickness.
How challenging is the Trans-Chaco Highway?
Driving requires constant attention to avoid deep potholes. Despite being mostly straight, the road's condition makes the journey demanding. Night driving is discouraged, especially for first-timers, due to the poor road conditions. The harsh climate, low traffic, and sparse population make it essential for travelers to carry extra supplies like food and water in case of breakdowns.
Pic: By Cmasi [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons