An old mining road to Tuzgle Volcano in the Andes

Volcán Tuzgle is a dormant stratovolcano located in the Susques Department of Jujuy Province in Argentina. A former mining road to the northwest of the volcano ends at 5,244m (17,139ft) above sea level. It’s one of the highest roads of the country.

Volcan Tuzgle

Can I drive to Tuzgle Volcano in the Andes?

Located in the northwestern part of the country, in the Central Andes, the road to the summit is entirely unpaved. It’s an old mining road leading to the abandoned Mina la Betty. Its northwestern slope was used for sulfur exploitation during the 20th century. The old mining road is in pretty poor condition. A reasonably high clearance vehicle is required, although 4x4 traction is not essential. There are stretches that require caution, where the vehicle tilts. For this reason, it is not advisable to walk this trail at night or too early in the morning when there may be ice.

How long is the road to Tuzgle Volcano in the Andes?

Starting from Ruta Provincial 40 (RP-40), the ascent is 10.0 km long. Over this distance, the elevation gain is 794m, and the average gradient is 7.94%.
Road suggested by: jorge manuel gómez sánchez