Cerro Blanco
Cerro Blanco is a high mountain caldera at an elevation of 4.174m (13,694ft) above the sea level, located in the Andes of the Catamarca Province in Argentina.

The road to the caldera is sand. Only 4x4. Starting from Ruta Provincial 43, the road is 96.3 km long. Cerro Blanco lies on the southern rim of the Robledo caldera, and is surrounded by an extensive apron of pumice fall deposits. This track can get very muddy and slippery after rain making it challenging to get through. During and after a storm the road may be impassable, even with a four-wheel-drive vehicle. This trail passes through remote areas, so you need to be prepared. The climate in the area is a high desert climate with high insolation and long term aridity.
Pic: Esteban Frigo