Don’t glance down at your phone on the road to Uspallata Pass in the Andes

Paso Uspallata is a high mountain pass at an elevation of 3,810m (12,500ft) above sea level, located in the Valparaíso Region of Chile.

Paso Uspallata

Where is Uspallata Pass?

The pass, also known as Bermejo Pass or Cumbre Pass, is located near the scenic Paso Internacional de los Libertadores, north of Santiago, in the eastern part of the country, near the Argentinian border.

Is the road to Uspallata Pass unpaved?

The road to the summit is completely unpaved. It’s called E-773, also known as Camino Cristo Redentor, as it’s now principally used as a tourist route to visit the statue of Christ the Redeemer of the Andes.

How long is the road through Uspallata Pass?

The road is 17km (10.56 miles) long, running from Cancha Pelada (in Valparaíso, Chile) to Las Cuevas (in Mendoza Province, Argentina).

How challenging is the road through Uspallata Pass?

The road is very steep, with gradients over 15% and 65 hairpin turns to test the skill, and courage, of any driver. It’s definitely not for anyone suffering from vertigo or a fear of landslides. Due to its challenges, the road was bypassed by an asphalted tunnel in 1980.

Is the road through Uspallata Pass open in winter?

Set high in the Andes mountain range, do not drive this road in severe weather conditions. It’s only accessible in summer months, when there is no snow. Winter temperatures can reach -30°C, and the path can be closed at any time due to heavy snow blocking both ends and the threat of rockfalls.