Things to Know Before Driving Deer Park Road in WA
Deer Park Road is a defiant drive located in Clallam County, in the US state of Washington. There are a number of sharp turns and dangerous ledges. Gravel, narrow, winding and steep in places. This is one of those roads that is easier for the driver than the passengers.

How long is Deer Park Road in WA?
Located within the Olympic National Park, the road is 28.96km (18 miles) long. It runs from Highway 101 to the Blue Mountain Trail Head parking lot. It’s a scary drive known for its stunning views. Go slow, take your time and pay attention to the road. Please use caution. It is narrow and steep with occasional turn-offs. There are a lot of sharp curves where you can't see what's on the other side. It barely wide enough for two cars so when you do meet an oncoming vehicle one must pull over to let the other pass. Expect sheer drops, tight corners and no room to pass. You must go when the weather is nice. Take your time, no rush, both hands on the wheel. The drive is absolutely beautiful. You better have confidence in whoever is driving the car.
Is Deer Park Road in WA paved?
The road is paved to about halfway, turns to dirt and gets very narrow, 10 feet wide. RVs and trailers are prohibited. Off-road 4WD or AWD vehicle is recommended. When descending, watch for washboarding in the corners, things can get pretty bone-rattling at the end of the dry season.
Is Deer Park Road in WA open?
The road ends at the Blue Mountain Trail Head parking lot, at 1.830m (6,003ft) above the sea level. It is usually closed between October and April at the park boundary, about 9 miles from Highway 101. It should only be attempted in good weather.
Is Deer Park Road in WA worth it?
This challenging winding road leads to some of the most beautiful views in Olympic National Park. Along its way the drive offers 360 degree views of mountains and the Strait of Juan de Fuca from the top of Blue Mountain, the end of the road The road does get busier at weekends and in the main holiday season. It’s an epic alpine climb with expansive views.
Pic: Olympic National Park