A sensational road to Lobo Overlook
Lobo Overlook sits at an elevation of 3.585m (11,761ft) above the sea level in Mineral County, in the U.S. state of Colorado. The summit offers breathtaking panorama views of the San Juan Mountains and west toward Pagosa Springs.

The road to the summit is called County Road 402. The road is usually snowed over by October or November and is not plowed It can still definitely be dangerous in wintry or white-out conditions. It is a dirt road, very well graded until you get near the top. It gets a little rougher then but was still easily negotiable in a sub-compact sedan. 4wd not required. Make sure you watch out for drivers coming in the opposite direction - in some places on the one lane road there is very little shoulder to pull onto in order to make room for oncoming vehicles.
The journey offers an exhilarating driving experience, with superb 360 views. You’ll find great views of the San Juans all around. It’s an unforgettable road trip. This is definitely one road trip that you want to record with lots of photographs. The summit, right on top of the Continental Divide, gives a spectacular view of the surrounding peaks of the San Juan Mountains, San Juan National Forest and Rio Grande National Forest. The road is a delight to drive, with every kind of twist and turn. The road is narrow and steep. It can be a little hairy. Altitude and extreme weather are always a factor at any time of year. Risk of altitude sickness. Lobo is Spanish for wolf. At the summit there are picnic tables, a bathroom and a radio tower. Starting from US-160, the ascent is 4.02km (2.5 miles) long. Over this distance the elevation gain is 284 meters. The average gradient is 7.06%.
Pic&video: bentausch