Brynwood Hillclimb is one of the steepest roads in Oregon
Tucked away in the West Hills of Portland, in the US state of Oregon, Brynwood is said to be the steepest climb in the state. It hits a 24% of maximum gradient through some of the ramps. Reaching the top will leave your lungs burning.

How long is Brynwood Hillclimb?
This one-lane paved road is 441 meters (0.28 miles) long, running south-north from NW Miller Road (at 242m above sea level) to NW Skyline Boulevard (at 334m asl).
How steep is Brynwood Hillclimb?
Over this distance, the elevation gain is 92 meters, with an average gradient of 20.90%. However, the maximum gradient is 24.8% on a cracked pavement with a few gravel spots.
How challenging is Brynwood Hillclimb?
Located in the northwestern part of Oregon, the drive is exceptionally challenging. The road is very narrow and cars going uphill have right-of-way. No through trucks. This intense climb is undeniably brutal, feeling much longer than its 0.28 miles. Moisture and moss add to the difficulty.