Ultimate 4wd destination: Glorieta Baldy in New Mexico
Glorieta Baldy is a high mountain peak at an elevation of 3,096m (10,157ft) above sea level, located in Santa Fe County, in the U.S. state of New Mexico. It’s one of the highest roads in New Mexico.

Where is Glorieta Baldy?
The peak is located near La Cueva, in the northern part of New Mexico, within Santa Fe National Forest.
What’s at the summit of Glorieta Baldy?
At the summit, there’s a lookout tower built in 1940. The tower is not currently active for firewatching. The 30-foot tower is typical of the steel lookout structures manufactured by the Aermotor Co. Decommissioned in the early 1990s, the tower has fallen into disrepair.
Is the road to Glorieta Baldy open in winter?
The forest service road to the summit is typically closed from early September until spring.
How challenging is the road to Glorieta Baldy?
The rugged road to the summit is totally unpaved. It’s called Glorieta Baldy Road. A 4x4 vehicle is required. The road is steep, with countless turns and hairpin turns. The first several miles of the road are not difficult, but you'll eventually get to a point where a 4x4 vehicle will be required to get to the top. Very rocky and rutted at times.
How long is the road to Glorieta Baldy?
Starting from Forest Service Road 375, the ascent is 8 km (4.97 miles) long. Over this distance, the elevation gain is 555 meters. The average gradient is 6.93%.
Pic&video: Jennifer L. Eggerton