The creepy story of Sensabaugh Tunnel in Tennessee
Sensabaugh Tunnel is a tunnel surrounded by rumors of murder, death, and satanic rituals located in the U.S. state of Tennessee. It should be avoided at all costs. It is a place where demonic apparitions appear, car engines die, and the shrieks of eternally trapped women and babies echo. It’s one of the most haunted tunnels on Earth.

Where is Sensabaugh Tunnel?
The tunnel is located in Hawkins County, Tennessee, near the Virginia border, just off Big Elm Road to the north of Kingsport. It is located not far from Rotherwood Mansion, in the foothills of East Tennessee. Locals feel that it is a place of evil. The tunnel carries the paved Sensabaugh Hollow Road.
Is Sensabaugh Tunnel scary?
The tunnel was constructed in the early 1920s. It sits in a state of clear disrepair, with cracks in the cement and graffiti everywhere. The surface of the tunnel is often slippery and wet. Driving inside the tunnel can be creepy, but that may be because it's, you know, a dark tunnel with creepy stories behind it. It’s one of the most famous haunted places in the area. If you choose to visit, it’s recommended that you don't go alone because some locals may show up, try to scare you, or have other intentions, and it is in a remote location.
What’s the legend of Sensabaugh Tunnel?
The road that passes through it is only used by locals and not often by them. The story goes that a man named Mr. Sensabaugh lived with his family in a house near the tunnel. One day he went crazy and murdered them all, including his newborn baby, and threw their bodies into the creek in the tunnel. If you enter the tunnel and turn off your car engine, it supposedly will not restart. If you look into your rearview mirror, you will see Mr. Sensabaugh approaching your car. Then, as he approaches, your engine will start again. Other people claim you can hear Mr. Sensabaugh's footsteps echoing in the tunnel and/or a baby crying.