What's the Most Dangerous Pass in Colorado?
Worst odds for a wipeout: Monarch Pass – An average of 60 wrecks in the last three years makes this steep and high road between Gunnison and Salida your worst bet. Find better odds on Loveland Pass, which averages more than 100,000 safe trips for every mishap.

What is the most dangerous road in Colorado?
Every day is a winding road:Red Mountain Pass – With 15 switchbacks between Silverton and Ouray, the Million Dollar Highway changes directions more often than a politician in an election year.
Bumper-to-bumper blues: Vail Pass – Ski weekend drivers on Vail Pass sometimes feel like they’re stuck behind 10,000 cars. And they’re right. It’s the only pass on our list on an Interstate.
Snow king: Wolf Creek Pass – Wolf Creek Ski Area brags that it has “the most snow in Colorado,” so it’s fitting that the road wins top honors in this category.
Top of the world: Loveland Pass – With a high point on the Continental Divide just under 12,000 feet, it’s no wonder why they built the Eisenhower Tunnel below to connect the mountains to Denver.
Loneliest journey: Cameron and Cochetopa passes – Need to get away from it all? Cameron Pass leaves Fort Collins and climbs into sparsely populated North Park. Cochetopa winds from the even-sparser San Luis Valley to Gunnison.
First gear all the way: Slumgullion Pass – A top grade of 9.4 percent on this road between Lake City and Creede will test any vehicle’s cardiovascular system. As an aside, this is where Alfred Packer’s companions met their unappetizing demise in 1874. But the advent of modern transportation has greatly reduced the risk of cannibalism.
Source: http://durangoherald.com/article/20120108/NEWS01/701089895/The-state-s-No--1-dangerous-pass-is#/storyimage/DU/20120108/NEWS01/701089895/AR/0/AR-701089895.jpg&maxw=620&maxh=400