Road trip guide: Conquering the Red Hill Road in NV
Red Hill Road is a short gravel track located in Clark County, in the U.S. state of Nevada. It’s a 4wd drive.

Located within the Lake Mead National Recreation Area, the road is totally unpaved. It’s 3.05km (1.9 miles) long, starting from Nevada Telephone Cove Road. After rain, sections of road can become decidedly hazardous when fast-flowing creek crossings and slippery mud can cause road closures. It crosses over a small ridge that would be difficult to cross when wet. Then it drops into a small canyon that leads down to the water. This is a narrow road that would not allow vehicles to pass each other in many places. The road in the canyon doesn’t get overly difficult, though there are a few rocky places. The road ends when you hit the water.
Pic: davidsonlaw1975