Loop Road of Everglades in Florida: watch out for alligators
Loop Road is a very scenic drive located in the Everglades National Park, in the U.S. state of Florida. In the summer, parts of the road can be under water.

How long is Loop Road Everglades?
Tucked away on the southeastern part of Florida, the road is 38,62km (24 miles) long and begins and ends along US Hwy 41. The two-lane road, also known as County Road 94 and Big Cypress Loop Road, is gravel for most of the route. The eastern seven miles are paved, ending at the Loop Road Environmental Education, run by the National Park, where you can walk the Tree Snail Hammock Nature Trail or stop for a picnic. After that, it’s gravel or dirt.
Is Loop Road Everglades challenging?
Located about 40 miles from Miami, in the summer wet season (May through October) parts of the road can be under water. The road can be rough going during wet conditions or if the surface has not been recently graded, but the average car will have no trouble in dry weather, but going slow. If you drive this stretch in a conventional car, the going has to be slow because of the wet spots, rough spots and potholes. High clearance vehicles are recommended. The road has a lot of potholes that can send you flying if you're not watchful. The appearance of the dirt road makes it seem unfinished, which hints at once-grand development plans that were never fully realized.
How long does it take to drive the Loop Road Everglades?
Running through some of the most remote areas of the Big Cypress Wildlife Management Area, plan 1.30 hours to complete the drive with a few stops. However, due its beauty, the drive will take much longer. Not much traffic. Be prepared to drive 20mph or less.
Is Loop Road Everglades worth it?
The road spans three counties: Collier to the west, Monroe in the center, and Miami Dade to the east. This drive will take you through a range of beautiful habitats. This scenic road, located south of the current path of Tamiami Trail, will allow you to explore some of the more remote areas of the national preserve. Please watch for animals, especially alligators, and drive carefully. The road provides access to spectacular Florida scenery and opportunities for wildlife viewing. Lots of critters can be found along this road, which is probably on average 18 inches above the surrounding waterscape. As you drive, you’ll find many openings in the forest at culverts and bridges where it’s worth stopping, looking into the water and listening. It’s said that Al Capone had a hunting lodge here during the Depression but no proof of his involvement on Loop Road exists.