The Loneliest Highway to Hickison Summit in NV
Hickison Summit is a high mountain pass at an elevation of 2.007m (6,584ft) above the sea level, located in Lander County, in the U.S. state of Nevada.

Set high at the end of the Toquima Mountain Range, the road to the summit is totally paved. It’s the infamous US Highway 50, nicknamed as the Loneliest Highway in America. Access to the pass is typically open all year round, with the occasional closure in winters due to dangerous weather conditions.
The road is pretty steep, with some parts up to 8% grades with numerous turns. The pass road is 112.17km (69.7 miles) long, running west-east from Austin to Eureka. The pass was named after ranch owner John Hickerson. The area is rich in prehistoric and historic resources.