What Are the Major Causes of 18-Wheeler Truck Accidents in the USA?
Worrying statistics from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) show that there are more than 3 000 fatal traffic accidents involving large commercial vehicles every year in the USA. These vehicles include 18-wheeler trucks which are among the most common types of trucks on roads. Knowing the major causes of these accidents can play a significant role in helping drivers to avoid the accidents.

Driver fatigue
Studies on accidents involving heavy commercial vehicles show that fatigue causes more accidents than driving under the influence. A fatigued driver can even sleep while still on the road, which has been cited as a serious problem. Most drivers are required to drive for long hours without stopping, and this makes them drowsy. You need to ensure that your body is well rested, and you have slept for the recommended hours before driving an 18-wheeler truck.
Faulty trucks
Some trucking companies fail to maintain their trucks properly to save on maintenance costs. This, in turn, results in the trucks causing accidents because of problems such as failed brakes or non-functioning lights. You need to ensure that the truck you are driving is mechanically sound so that you can always control the vehicle properly. In case the trucking company you work for is not keen on maintaining its trucks, you should consider looking for a job in another more reliable company.
Improper loading
There are strict loading regulations that clearly stipulate how an 18-wheeler should be loaded. These regulations are meant to ensure that the truck can comfortably handle the loaded cargo. Some people do not strictly follow these regulations, which reduce the driver's ability to control the trucks. Loads also need to be properly fastened to avoid falling from the truck while on transit. If the cargo has fallen off your 18-wheeler and has caused a serious truck accident, it is crucial to consult an experienced truck accident lawyer who will explain what the proper loading requirements are and inform you what your legal rights are following the incident involving the 18-wheeler cargo truck.
Poor visibility
Some drivers are compelled to drive even at night or in heavy snow to ensure their trucks arrive on time. Such drivers cannot properly see the various features of the roads they are using, such as sharp corners or approaching vehicles. It is better to wait until daylight or when visibility is better instead of putting yourself and other drivers on the road at risk. If you must drive at night or in places with poor visibility because you carry a perishable load, you should ensure you are extra careful.
Over speeding
Most 18-wheeler truck drivers are usually under pressure to reach their destinations within the stipulated time. You might find yourself going beyond the recommended speed to make sure you keep time. Your ability to control the truck is significantly reduced when driving at high speed, especially if it carries a heavy load.
There are regulations that stipulate the speed limits for trucks on different roads, but some drivers do not fully adhere to these regulations. Over speeding might allow you to reach your destination on time. But it can also make you fail to reach your destination because of an accident that you can avoid.
Truck accident lawyers usually help resolve issues on accidents involving 18-wheeler trucks and trucks in places such as Dallas. These lawyers have the necessary legal knowledge to help you resolve a truck accident issue conveniently. But you can avoid these problems by understanding the main causes of 18-wheeler truck accidents.