Ruta Tarahumara
Ruta Tarahumara (Creel-Guachochi) is a windy, scenic, two lanes road that communicates the towns of Creel and Guachochi in Chihuahua state. The primary reason of the built of Ruta Tarahumara was to communicate and develop the land of indigenous people of Tarahumara (Raramuri) to the rest of the state and help or bring tourists to the Copper canyon area among other attractions.

This road has become a popular tourist destination to the Copper Canyon, waterfalls and Creel town, the road it’s very scenic offering spectacular views of pine forest, ponderosa trees, canyons, rivers, lakes and rock formations. It’s also one of the access to the infamous Batopilas road. The most scenic part is near Urique river where the road winds into the canyon of Urique where there are some cliff dwellings, rock formations and ruins. Maximum road elevation is 2540 near La Mesa and lowest it’s 1810 at Urique river, near Basiborachi.
Road suggested by: Eblem Torres