Camino a Canoas
Camino a Canoas is a high mountain road to a town named "Canoas" in Durango state. However the town it's in Durango state, the main purpose of the road its to communicate Zacatecas state with Nayarit state.

The road departs from Huejuquilla Jalisco, it goes into an incredible ascent of 1800 meters high in just less than 30 kilometers, from the atengo River at 1030 masl to top of the mountain near Canoas at 2800 masl, there are three different biomes, pine forest, oak forest and just desert (small acacias)! There's an interesting stopover in the route called "Pico del Aguila" or eagles peak, where you can park and see the Atengo canyon.
Passing Canoas, there is a T junction near Jesús María, where the Mexico 23 meets Mexico 44, at any direction the road offers stunning views of the Sierra Madre Mountains, such to Mesa del Nayar or Ruta Tepehuana.
Road suggested by: Eblem Torres