Sola de Vega Road
Sola de Vega road (Mexico 131 or Oaxaca-Puerto Escondido) is a long journey. Very curvy and scenic, if you suffer of dizziness, this road is not recommended to you. Over 6 hours of constant movement by curves everywhere, small towns with speed bumps and scenic views of the Sierra Madre mountains.

This road is dangerous due the high traffic volume in a narrow road. It’s the main road between the capital Oaxaca to the resort city of Puerto Escondido. The road is narrow in some segments, with switchbacks, long steep grades and curves segments. Engine brake is mandatory or recommended. The highest point is at 2.180m above the sea level, near Sola de Vega, and the lowest is the sea level, in resort city of Puerto Escondido. Currently Mexico 131D is under construction and expected to be completed by 2018. Once done it will bypass this infamous road.
Road suggested by: Eblem Torres