Travelling the busy Road Mexico 45
Queretaro-León (Mexico 45) is a busy highway located in Mexico which gets almost all traffic from northwest and north of Mexico and the US (except northeast Mexico).

How dangerous is Road Mexico 45?
The area, in the last 20 years, has been rapidly growing, making industrial facilities, commerce and developments. Due the lack of infrastructure and security, it’s one of the most dangerous roads in the country, with an average of 2.5 accidents per day. Speeding, high traffic volume, lack of space and bad quality of pavement make a great challenge drive and tedious job.
Where is Road Mexico 45?
The highway runs through an inland valley called “El Bajío”, where big cities are located, like Irapuato, León, Salamanca, Silao, Celaya and Queretaro. The road runs at an average elevation of 1.750m above sea level.
Road suggested by: Eblem Torres