A Truly Outstanding 4x4 Adventure to Karagol Lake in Central Anatolia
Karagöl Gölü is a glacial lake at an elevation of 2,661m (8,730ft) above sea level, located in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey.

Where Is Karagöl Gölü?
The lake is located in Niğde Province, near the border with Mersin Province, in the southern part of the country. The lake is home to Rana holtzi, an endemic frog species.
Is the Road to Karagöl Gölü Unpaved?
The road to the high mountain lake is totally unpaved. A 4x4 vehicle is required. The road is poorly constructed and has no safety barriers. It’s narrow and winds sharply up the mountain, making turns nearly impossible to navigate. If your driver loses concentration or control, the drop down the side of the mountain will make any roller coaster ride you’ve previously experienced pale in comparison.
How Long Is the Road to Karagöl Gölü?
Tucked away in the Toros Mountains, the road to the lake is 23 km (14 miles) long, starting from the paved D750 Road, near Bayağıl. Over this distance, the elevation gain is 1,435m, and the average gradient is 6.23%.
Pic: mehmet ziya seydioglu