Cerrada de la Magdalena
Cerrada de la Magdalena is a very exciting journey located along the sunny slopes of Sierra de Cazorla and north of the province of Granada, in Spain. Drive with care as this is a mountain road with dangerous dropoffs.

The road is gravel and pretty narrow. There is little room for error on this road. The main risk on this road is coming around a blind corner to discover a vehicle proceeding toward you. Located within the Sierra de Castril Natural Park, it can be a reasonably easy drive in favourable dry conditions, but also has the potential to be a very difficult muddy and slippery track -and at times impassable- after wet weather.
The drive is 11.3 km long. The journey offers an exhilarating driving experience, with superb views. An incredible journey, an unforgettable experience. This is definitely one road trip that you want to record with lots of photographs. Along the way you may spot the tracks left by wild boar, foxes, beech martens, dormice, wildcats, etc.