The unpaved road to La Caldera Refuge in Andalusia isn’t an easy one

Refugio Vivac de la Caldera is a high mountain refuge at an elevation of 3.053m (10,016ft) above sea level, located in the province of Granada, in Spain. It’s one of the highest roads in Europe.

Refugio Vivac de la Caldera

Where is La Caldera Refuge?

The hut is located in the region of Andalusia, in the southern part of the country. It’s a spectacular, if somewhat eerie, location in the high mountains beside a crater lake.

Is the road to La Caldera Refuge unpaved?

The road to the hut, located within the Sierra Nevada mountain range, is totally unpaved and impassable in winters. Along the way it’s possible to discover several alpine lakes. It’s one of the highest roads in the country

How long is the road to La Caldera Refuge?

The road to the mountain refuge is called Camino de los Franceses (also known as Camino del Mulhacén). It runs from the Veleta peak to a small town called Capileira. It’s 31km (19 miles) long. It's closed to motor vehicles.
Pic: Ramón Carlos Válor López