The Ultimate Guide to Traveling the Ruta de los Volcanes

Located in the Canary Islands, Ruta de los Volcanes is an extraordinary and unforgettable journey, where you will enjoy awe-inspiring views over volcanic cones, look down into craters, see dunes of picón or lapilli, and have a glance into lava tubes. It’s one of the most scenic drives in the world.

Ruta de los Volcanes

Where Is Ruta de los Volcanes?

The road is located in the central part of the island of Lanzarote, within the Parque Natural de Los Volcanes, in the Timanfaya National Park. It was built in 1968 by César Manrique and Jesús Soto.

How Long Is Ruta de los Volcanes?

The road is fully paved. It’s 10 km (6.2 miles) long. It’s a one-way loop road and is pretty narrow. Expect heavy traffic during summer.

Is Ruta de los Volcanes Worth the Drive?

Tucked away in the middle of a rocky desert that resembles a lunar landscape, the road runs through the awesome heart of a surprisingly colorful terrain. The landscape is barren and otherworldly.