Here's How To Have The Ultimate Road Trip To Punta de Jandia Lighthouse
Faro de la Punta de Jandía is a lighthouse located in Fuerteventura, on Canary Islands, Spain.

When was Punta de Jandía lighthouse built?
Located at the westernmost coastal area of Fuerteventura, the lighthouse stands at 62 feet (19 meters) tall. It came into service on 1864 and was built to help guide the ships setting sail for Africa.
Can I drive to Punta de Jandía lighthouse?
Tucked away in the Jandía Natural Park, the road to the lighthouse is called Carretera Punta de Jandía. It’s mostly unpaved and just paved in a small section. Often beaten by the wind, it’s navigable by all passenger vehicles.
How long is the road to Punta de Jandía lighthouse?
Starting at Morro Jable (a town on the south coast of Fuerteventura), the road to the lighthouse at the island's southern tip is 21.7 km (13.48 miles) long. The drive takes approximately one hour. It is one of the most scenic rides on the island, with views of both the sea and the black volcanic mountains. Bring your camera for shots of this far-flung monument backed by the ocean.