Driving the road to Nordkapp, the northernmost point on the European mainland

The North Cape (or Nordkapp), located on the northernmost Norwegian island of Magerøya, is the northernmost point on the European mainland, at 71 degrees North.


Is the Road to Nordkapp Paved?

The road to Nordkapp is known as European Route E69 and is completely paved. The North Cape shares the same latitude as Siberia and the top of Alaska. Located far above the Arctic Circle, Nordkapp offers Arctic adventures such as dog sledding in winter and months of continuous sunlight in summer.

Is the Road to Nordkapp Worth the Drive?

Situated at the tip of the remote Finnmark Region, bordering Finland and Russia, this road trip is one that you'll want to capture with plenty of photographs. There are numerous viewpoints, both official and unofficial. At the end of the road, you'll find a visitor center (built in 1988), a café, restaurant, post office, souvenir shop, a small museum, a video cinema, and a globe monument erected in 1978, which has become the symbol of Nordkapp.

Is the Road to Nordkapp Open in Winter?

The northernmost section of the road is usually closed in winter due to strong winds and rapid weather changes. Be prepared for cold temperatures and wind! From mid-May to July, the sun remains above the horizon throughout the day. In winter, daylight hours barely lighten to a spectral gloom. Visitors can expect breathtaking views, unique climatic conditions, and the opportunity to stand at Europe's northernmost point.