42 hairpin turns on the Tusenmeteren Road
Located in Vestland county, in Norway, Tusenmeteren road is the name of a very demanding drive with 42 hairpin turns.

Tucked away at the eastern end of Sognefjord, the road is totally unpaved. It runs from Sletterust to Øvre Årdal and features 42 hairpin turns and one tunnel. The road has dangerous drop offs.
Construction of the road started in 1910 and was opened in 1934. Due its dangerousness, in 1962 it was bypassed by Tyinvegen (Road 53). Today it’s blocked by a barrier and open for both pedestrians and cyclists only.
The drive tops out at 1.117 meters (3,664ft) above the sea level (at Lake Tyin). The road wound in 42 bends up the steep mountain side. It offers panoramic views. The road is open from June to September.
Road suggested by: Hugh Wilson