Lago di Alpe Gera
Lago di Alpe Gera is a high mountain lake at an elevation of 2.024m (6,640ft) above the sea level, located in the Province of Sondrio in the Italian region Lombardy.

The road to the lake is mostly asphalted. Only the last km is gravel. The road is narrow, steep and with some unlit tunnels. The road was built between 1960 and 1965.
At the beginning of the road there’s a warning sign:
Strada non collaudata
Divieto di transito
Pericolo di caduta sassi e valanghe
Muri e cigli pericolanti e privi di parapetto
Chi transita lo fa a suo rischio e pericolo
‘The road is closed to vehicles. It’s dangerous due the landslides and avalanches, without protections’