An epic enthralling road to Col di Caneva Pass
Passo di Col di Caneva is a high mountain pass at an elevation of 1.835m (6,020ft) above the sea level, located in the Province of Belluno in the Italian region Veneto.

The road to the summit is called SP22. It’s pretty narrow and steep, with some parts up to 16.4%. Starting from Cima Sappada, the ascent is 9.1 km long. Over this distance, the elevation gain is 540 meters. The average percentage is 5.9 %. The road has been recently paved. It is changing between being almost flat to bring you to sets of serpentines that are very steep and then a more typical high narrow mountain climb higher up. On the summit there’s a refuge, called Rifugio Sorgenti del Piave.
This road is usually open all year, but it can be closed anytime when the access is not cleared of snow. Beyond the summit starts a short gravel road leading to a small chapel. Here, however, the track ends permanently. The road goes up the Val Sesis, after passing a series of bends at the Piani del Cristo (Restaurant at 1410m) and 1.5 km below the Pian delle Bombarde (Rhododendron Hut at 1468m). After a long stretch of the valley opens up the vision of M. Chiadenis and M. Peralba and, continuing to get the fork to the Rifugio Calvi, you reach the restaurant Sources of Piave after 1km.