Road D93
Road D93 is challenging drive in the heart of the Savoie department in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region in south-eastern France. The average gradient is 6.82% with 18 hairpin turns along the way.

Located in the Isère valley, the road is asphalted in pretty bad conditions (patched) as it suffers the harsh meteorological conditions of the area every winter. It’s 12.2 km long. Open to traffic throughout the year, may be closed for short periods in winter when the weather is bad. The area enjoys an exceptional environment.
The road links the villages of La Léchère les Bains (N90 Road) at 489m above the sea level, and Nâves, at 1322masl, via 18 hairpin turns. This route is not recommended if your passengers are prone to car sickness. It’s pretty steep. The elevation gain is 833 meters. The average gradient is 6.82%.