Fort Tabourde
Fort Tabourde (Forte Taburda) is a military fortress at an elevation of 1.987m (6,519ft) above the sea level, located in the Alpes-Maritimes department in southeastern France, near the Italian border.

The road to the summit is gravel, rocky, tippy and bumpy at times. The road is usually impassable from October to June (weather permitting). The fortress was built in 1883, protected by a wide and deep moat that dominates a large slice of the valley.
4x4 vehicle required. Stay away if you're scared of heights. Expect a trail pretty steep. The last part is very steep. Thunderstorm activity can quickly change unpaved roads to four-wheel-drive condition or make them impassable. The access is officially blocked. At the entrance there is a barrier with a driving prohibition sign, but it’s usually open, as the fort is used by shepherds as shelter and stables.
Pic: sudpassion