
Lake Zirm is a small lake in a rocky basin, at an elevation of 2.525m (8,284ft) above the sea level, located in Carinthia region, in southern Austria. The average gradient is 10.88% with sections up to 20%.


Located in the eastern Alps, the road to the lake is gravel, rocky, tippy and bumpy at times. The road starts asphalted from Heiligenblut am Großglockner. The paved section ends at a parking lot at the bridge over the Fleißbach, at 1.814 m above the sea level. It is usually impassable from October to June (weather permitting). The road is in dreadful condition and requires strong nerves to negotiate it. It’s certainly breathtaking and it has a fearsome reputation. Avoid driving in this area if unpaved mountain roads aren't your strong point.
Stay away if you're scared of heights. Expect a quite nice gravel trail winding to the lake. This is a mountain road very steep with hairpin curves and dangerous dropoffs. This road tests the skill, and courage, of any driver. It’s definitely not for anyone suffering from vertigo or a fear of landslides. Only the suicidal, the insane, or the paid-to-do-this should ever drive down. One mistake and it's a free fall to your death. In the area there are historical gold mines, which gave their name to the mountain range around, the Goldberg Group.

The harsh road located in the Hüttwinkltal valley encompasses miles of stunning views through twisty hair pin corners, high elevations and steep grades. Do not travel this road in severe weather conditions. The route demands 100% concentration. It’s not for the sissies and shouldn’t be attempted by novice drivers. Starting from Heiligenblut am Großglockner, at 1.301m above the sea level, the ascent is 11.24 km. Over this distance the elevation gain is 1.224m. The average gradient is 10.88% with sections up to 20%.
Road suggested by: Hugh Wilson
Pic: Tabletik Maminkin