A memorable road trip to Cabana Piatra Arsa in the Bucegi Mountains
Piatra Arsa is a high mountain cabin at an elevation of 1,970m (6,463ft) above sea level, located in the north of Prahova County, in Romania. It’s one of the highest roads in the country.

Is the road to Cabana Piatra Arsa unpaved?
Set high in the central part of the country, in the Bucegi Mountains, the road to the cabin has both paved and unpaved parts. It includes the paved DJ713 (TransBucegi Road) and the unpaved DJ713B.
How long is the road to Cabana Piatra Arsa?
Starting from Cabana Dichiu at 1,603m above sea level, the road to Piatra Arsa is 8.9 km (5.53 miles) long. Over this distance, the elevation gain is 367 meters, with an average gradient of 4.12%.
Pic: Serea Ciprian