Road DJ704I
The DJ704I is a very scenic drive located in the Argeș County of Romania on the shore of the Lake Vidraru. It’s 21.4 km long.

The road lies in the shadow of the Făgăraș Mountains. It’s mostly gravel. It’s also known as DN7d road. It’s a quiter side-road that travels along the right bank of the Lake Vidraru. Its quality makes it a road preferred rather by bikers. The road can be accesed through the tunnel near the dam. The Lake Vidraru (Lacul Vidraru) is an artificial lake built in 1965 on the Argeș River at an elevation of 830 m (2,720 ft) above the sea level. A village lies submerged at the bottom of this lake. Small boats are cruising on the lake and only the bravest can dare a bungee jumping from Vidraru Dam, where a 166 meters run-way was arranged.