The narrow Quepos Bridge in Costa Rica
Known as ‘The Bridge of Death’ and ‘Oh My God bridge’, this extremely narrow bridge is located on the road from Jaco to Quepos on Costa Rica’s central Pacific coast. It’s one of the most spectacular bridges in the world.

Can I drive the Quepos Bridge?
Cars can travel only in one direction. It barely looks like it could hold a bicycle, let alone a 30 tons lorry. But trucks cross this deathtrap on a regular basis. The bridge built with wood planks looks like it could crumble at any moment, but apparently large trucks drive over it and people survive. The loose slats of the roadway clank loudly while the bridge shakes under the weight of all the vehicles.
When was Quepos Bridge built?
Nicknamed as Puente Paquita, this bridge was built by the "Bananera Company" in the years 1930-40 for the train that moved the bananas to the port of Quepos.
Pic: Panzerknacker