The defiant Otaki Gorge Road in New Zealand is closed after a big slip
Otaki Gorge Road is a very scenic yet challenging drive following the Otaki River, in the Kapiti Coast District of the North Island of New Zealand. The drive has a history of slips and road damage in heavy rain events.

How long is Otaki Gorge Road?
The beautiful scenic road is 17.9km (11.12 miles) long, starting off State Highway 1. It’s a dead-end road. It follows the Otaki River, from the town of Hautere, towards the river’s source in the rugged Tararua Ranges.
Is Otaki Gorge Road paved?
The first 13km are paved, but the road becomes challenging in the last 5km. It’s unsealed, narrow, and winding, with plunging drops to steel-grey river waters on one side and steep, forbidding cliffs, often wrapped in cold wisps of white mist, on the other. Remember that your stopping distance on a gravel road is three times that on a sealed road.
How challenging is Otaki Gorge Road?
After rains, the road along the Otaki River can be extremely challenging. So, check conditions before and take extreme care. The ideal time to travel is during daylight. Night driving is not advised. Slips are likely. Journeying up Otaki Gorge is not for the faint-hearted. Be very careful; the road is very steep at some points. Please drive carefully and do not exceed 20 km/h.
Is Otaki Gorge Road open in 2024?
As of April 2024, the road is closed to vehicles and pedestrians because of a slip at Blue Bluff. Camping is available at Boielle's Campsite but is accessible only on foot. Due to access issues following the road closure, it is no longer being maintained and remains closed until further notice. There is an emergency track that you can walk to gain access to Ōtaki Forks. It is 5 km long and can be accessed 200 m past the locked gate on the Ōtaki Gorge Road.
What’s Waihoanga Road Bridge?
One of the most beautiful parts of the drive is the road swing bridge at Otaki Gorge: the Waihoanga Road Bridge. The drive is definitely worth it. There are many excellent photo opportunities here. Don’t forget your camera! The bridge is a fantastic structure, with amazing views from the bridge of the Otaki River and the beautiful natural surroundings of Otaki Gorge.
Where was Lord of the Rings filmed?
Otaki Gorge was the location in New Zealand that represented the Shire woods in Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings movies.