Driving the dangerous Old Zigzag Road in Quezon
The Atimonan Old Zigzag Road acts as a gateway between Northern Quezon and the South of the Philippines. It is one of the most dangerous roads in the country. Most drivers even fear traveling on this road. It can be an adventure for some, but it does carry elements of risk.

What is the famous zigzag road in the Philippines?
Locals call this road "Bitukan Manok." The reason behind this name is compelling, as locals believe that this road has a similar structure to a chicken's intestine. The name itself indicates how dangerous the road is, assuming someone understands Filipino. The road is also known as EME.
Who built Bitukang Manok?
The road construction was conducted in the era of former President Ferdinand Marcos in 1969. The zigzag road is a well-known path within Quezon National Park. Make sure that your car engine is in good condition before driving this road. Your car needs to climb up the mountain to cross the street. It will take at least 15 minutes to get through the trail. You will come across a marvelous view on your way up. After traveling for a few minutes, you will find yourself at a high altitude. You will be going through a lush green environment throughout your trip. With that said, it is not a good idea to get lost in the beauty of nature when driving on this path.
Do you think the famous zigzag road or Bitukang Manok is dangerous for travelers?
The path is narrow. One must keep track of road signals and traffic signs of traffic police while traveling via this path. Sometimes, you might need to stop and allow other motorists to pass through due to the congested nature of this road. The danger level of this road gets even higher when it is raining, as it can get slippery. If you have a fear of heights, do not even think of looking outside of your car. Panicking and losing control of the steering will result in falling from the mountain cliff, so be sober when driving the vehicle. You will find several traffic police officers on the way, trying their best to minimize the number of accidents in this area.
Can you drive on the Old Zigzag Road in Quezon when it rains?
The traffic on this road is not something that will piss you off. You will find only a few vehicles moving around in this area. However, it is not a wise thing to speed up your car at any point in time when you are traveling here. One simple mistake can cost the life of you and your loved ones. Monitor your speed carefully and be extra wary when you come near the turns. One of the worst times to travel via this road is in the rainy season. Stay away from this road when it is raining. Only consider going through this thrilling road when the sun is out. Also, keep in mind that the government has prohibited any vehicles over four wheels to keep the track safer.
Is the Old Zigzag Road in Quezon haunted?
There is a strange myth that surrounds this dangerous road, which makes drivers afraid of going through this road at night. The locals believe that the way is haunted, and anyone who travels by this road can encounter paranormal activity in this area. The myth could be there due to the high number of accidents in the past. I've come across some YouTube videos around this topic, but it does not seem legit. However, people circulated these stories in the past when the roads were not in good condition. The condition of the way is better now, but it is still not a safe road. If you are fond of enjoying the scenery, you can travel the road on a two-wheeler. You have more flexibility when you go with two-wheelers. There are pros and cons to choosing a motorcycle or scooter. One significant advantage of selecting a two-wheeler is that you can stop in any location and enjoy the scenery of the beautiful place. Furthermore, you also have a better chance of capturing stunning pictures, which is not possible when traveling by car.
How to travel the Old Zigzag Road in Quezon?
You'll find many riders going through this road for adventure, and they'll post their video on YouTube. You can check out those videos to get an idea of how it feels like to travel via a motorcycle. But, you must make sure that you slow down on slippery areas. Also, ensure that your tires have a firm grip to minimize the chance of an accident. In case you want a safer path, there is a New Diversion Road now. It is much broader, but you will have to travel an extra 10 minutes to reach your destination. With the construction of the other lower and less twisty road, driving through this road has become more for fancy than necessity.
Pic: Lek Moto