The insane road to Hispar Glacier
Hispar Glacier is a high mountain glacier at an elevation of 3.124m (10,249ft) above the sea level, located in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan.

Located within the Hispar Muztagh, a subrange of the Karakoram range in Pakistan, this is some serious driving. This insane road has humbled many egos. It’s not for the sissies and shouldn’t be attempted by novice drivers. The road starts from the Ganish village. The journey, in the Hispar Valley, is 41.03km (25.5 miles) long.
The road is hindered by the elevation and rugged terrain. The surface of the road is gravel and pretty narrow. In many places the road is bordered by a drop of hundreds of meters (many hundreds of feet) unprotected by guardrails. Do not travel this road in severe weather conditions. The road remains covered by snow seven to eight months of the year. Avalanches, heavy snowfalls and landslides can occur anytime, being extremely dangerous due to frequent patches of ice. The road is pretty steep. A 4WD vehicle and an experienced driver are recommended.
Pic: Feng Wei