Pereval Mazar-Asjuu
Pereval Mazar-Asjuu is a high mountain pass at an elevation of 3.832m (12,572ft) above the sea level, located in the Chuy Region of Kyrgyzstan.

Located in the Kyrgyz Alatau range of the Tien Shan mountains, the infamous gravel road to the summit is rough with 25 hairpin turns. It is subject to winter snowfalls with such a high summit altitude, and it can be closed anytime when the access is not cleared of snow. 4wd vehicle required. Stay away if you're scared of heights. Expect a trail pretty steep. Starting from the asphalted M41 (Pamir Highway) at 2.091m above the sea level, the ascent is 18km long. Over this distance the elevation gain is 1.741 meters. The average gradient is 9.67% with some parts up to 15%.