Conquering the Frightening Too Ashuu Tunnel of Kyrgyzstan
Töö Ashuu Tunnel is a high mountain tunnel at an elevation of 3.180m (10,433ft) above sea level, located in the Chuy Region of Kyrgyzstan.

When was Too Ashuu Tunnel built?
Set high in the Kyrgyz Alatau range of the Tien Shan mountains, the tunnel was dug in the 1960’s.
Where is Too Ashuu Tunnel?
The tunnel is part of the mostly paved M41 or Pamir Highway. It’s located on the road between Bishkek and Osh. In recent years it has become one of the best-developed trunk roads of the country. The tunnel bypassed the infamous and gravel old Töö Ashuu pass road, which climbs up to 3.594m (11,791ft) above sea level.
How long is Too Ashuu Tunnel?
The tunnel is 2.7-kilometre (1.7 mi) long, and links Chui Valley and Suusamyr Valley. It’s said to be the longest tunnel in Central Asia.
How challenging is Too Ashuu Tunnel?
It’s pretty narrow, hardly wide enough for two lanes of traffic. The elevation of the tunnel ranges between 3.130m (north) and 3.180m (south). It is poorly ventilated, and the noxious exhaust fumes so thick that one can hardly see more than 100 feet ahead. In 2001, an accident trapped dozens of cars in the tunnel, and several motorists perished of carbon monoxide poisoning.