The nuclear National Route 6 from Namie to Tomioka
Located in Fukushima Prefecture, the Japan National Route 6 is a challenging drive through the tsunami-crippled Daiichi nuclear power plant, in Japan.

Part of the main National Route 6 (a Japanese highway from Tokyo to Sendai), a short 17.5km (10.87 miles) long section from Namie to Tomioka features a high-dose radiation area. After the road decontamination in 2014, vehicles can pass through without special permission, but bicycles, motorcycles, and pedestrians are prohibited on the stretch of road due to the higher risk of radiation exposure. However, motorcycles over 125 cc can use it.
The straight National Route 6 runs parallel to the coast. Due to the nuclear disaster it’s recommended to keep closed the windows at all time and passing through as quickly as possible. Abandoned buildings can be seen from your car windows. The road features barricades on both sides to ensure people don’t deviate and go into the restricted “Difficult-To-Return-Zone.” Located within the Fukushima’s Nuclear Exclusion Zone, National Route 6 is a major artery. It is totally paved and offers beautiful views of the coastline it runs alongside.
Pic&video: Exploring the Unbeaten Path