A memorable road trip to Bikhal Waterfall
Located in the province of Erbil, in the Kurdistan Region, Bikhal Waterfall is one of the most beautiful tourist sites in Iraq.

Where is Bikhal Waterfall?
Tucked away on the northern part of the country, close to the borders with Iran and Turkey, it’s a very beautiful waterfall where water is flowing down from the center of a mountain. This waterfall hosts many visitors and tourists across the country especially in summer, when temperatures rise high elsewhere. There are hotels, restaurants and shops in the area. These thundering waterfalls are characterized by their beautiful landscapes, cold water and verdant trees. The waterfalls are located about 10 km from Ruwanduz.
Is the road to Bikhal Waterfall worth it?
The road to the waterfalls is simply stunning, offering great views above the scenic Rawanduz Canyon. It is totally paved and curvy, a truly challenging driving experience. The road is steep in parts. It’s said to be one of the most beautiful drives of Iraq.
How to get to Bikhal Waterfall?
Located to the south of Rawanduz Canyon, the road is 13.9 km (8.63 miles) long running from Hamilton Road (Route 3 and Soran-Khalifan road) to Rawanduz. The road has natural viewpoints to enjoy the views.
Road suggested by: Yad
Pics: Akam Aziz; Yad.