Driving the defiant Al Baha's 25 Tunnels

Al Baha's 25 Tunnels is a sharply winding zig-zag road located on the south west of Saudi Arabia. This tourist drive consists of 25-tunnels at different lengths and elevations.

Al Baha's 25 Tunnels

This drive through tunnels stretching from the mountains of Al-Baha is 233km (144 miles) long. Always check your brakes and tires for safety. Ideal time to travel is daylight. Not adviced night drive as there are no lamp posts.

Route 211 is paved and links Al Bahah, a city in the Al Bahah Region and Muhayil, a city in the Aseer Province near the Red Sea. Going downhill always shift to low gears and never relay on just brakes. This will keep you safe on the road.
Pic: Mohammed Imtiyaz Khan