Hawz e Wighnaan
Wighnaan pool is a high mountain reservoir at an elevation of 2.600m (8,530ft) above the sea level, located in Takhar Province, northern Afghanistan. It’s definitely not for anyone suffering from vertigo or a fear of landslides. One mistake and it's a free fall to your death. In many places the road is bordered by a drop of hundreds of meters (many hundreds of feet) unprotected by guardrails.

The gravel road to the lake is pretty narrow and steep. Drivers must remain cautious as the pass has been known to claim the lives of careless drivers. It’s certainly breathtaking and it has a fearsome reputation. If you do choose this route please check up to date information due to the security situation. Obviously you would have to really (!) check what is going on now. You might want to contact your embassy in Kabul as they have really the best info about terrorist attacks, ongoing armed conflict, risk of kidnapping and high crime rate.
The road links the small villages of Warsaj and Aspogh. Stay away if you're scared of heights. Drive with care as this is a mountain road with dangerous dropoffs. You might want to take this into consideration if you have passengers that don't like heights. Be prepared, this road is not for the faint of heart or ill prepared. One mistake can have serious consequences.
Road suggested by: Hugh Wilson
Pic&Video: T aha