How they connect right drive roads to left drive roads at borders
Some countries in Africa, Asia and South America have land borders where drivers must change to the other side of the road. 66% of the world’s population lives in countries that drive on the right side of the road while the remaining 34% live in countries that drive on the left side.

This leads to very little traffic crossover between two modes but still there are numerous roads where one mode has to be changed with the other mode while crossing borders. Where neighbouring countries drive on opposite sides of the road, drivers from one to the other must change sides when crossing the border. Therefore, to help the drivers easily cross over without feeling a sudden change, various types of roads are constructed.
Around the world there are more than 15 changing sides at borders. Here there are 5 beautiful examples from borders that will leave you amaze:
Lotus Bridge.
Between Macau and China.
Thai – Lao Friendship Bridge.
Between Thailand and Laos.
Shenzhen Western Corridor, Cross Over Bridge.
Between Hong Kong and China
Between Thailand and Cambodia
Channel Tunnel.
Between the United Kingdom and France