Avoiding Common Traffic Accidents On California Roads: Tips On Staying Safe

Sun, sand, and Hollywood celebrities are synonymous with California, and so is traffic congestion. Some freeways like I-405 seem to be backed up regardless of when you hit the road. Driver frustration is common and unfortunately, so is road rage. Vehicle accidents are also common and some result in catastrophic injuries and even fatalities.

Avoiding Common Traffic Accidents On California Roads: Tips On Staying Safe

Staying safe on California’s dangerous roads isn’t always easy but you can take some steps to help minimize your potential risks. If you’re involved in a vehicle collision, you may also be able to file a compensation claim.

Tips on Avoiding a Car Accident

Traffic accidents aren’t limited to collisions only involving motor vehicles. Pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcycle riders can also be involved in a vehicle accident.

The Golden State is also home to some of the most dangerous roads in the country. For example, the intersection between Vincent St. and Pacific Coast Highway in LA County is considered one of the most dangerous in the United States for pedestrians. Overall, the state has seen an increase in traffic accident fatality rates. In fact, the rate jumped 7.6% between 2021 and 2022.

While the increase in the number of car collisions resulting in injuries and fatalities is sobering, it doesn’t mean you’re destined to be in a vehicle accident. You can take steps to stay a little safer on California roads.

Put Your Phone Down

Believe it or not, you’re not going to miss a whole lot if you put your phone down while driving. The world isn’t going to come to an end simply because you’re temporarily not responding to texts and calls. Did you know that it’s illegal to text and drive in California? This law especially applies in school zones.

The law requires all drivers to put down their handheld devices while driving. The only exception is if a driver needs to immediately call emergency personnel like the police or fire department.

You’re Not In a Race

People seem to always be in a hurry. Everyone has someplace they need to be. With traffic congestion a prevalent issue, speeding more seems like it’s all but impossible. However, not every road or freeway in California is always backed up. You can find plenty of roads where speeding is possible.

Speeding may seem like it will get you to your destination on time, but it’s not always the case. You may find yourself being pulled over by the police. Speeding is also a common cause of vehicle collisions. Instead of arriving safely, you may be dealing with injuries.

Vehicles are harder to control at higher rates of speed. You may not be able to react in time to avoid hazards like a pedestrian in the crosswalk.

Always Wear Your Seatbelt

Chances are you’ve seen the highway signs telling drivers and passengers to buckle up. Your seatbelt may be slightly uncomfortable to wear but the safety system can also save your life.

Besides, it’s the law in California and in every other state. All motor vehicle drivers and passengers must wear their seatbelts. The only exception applies to antique vehicles that weren’t originally designed with seatbelt systems.

Whether it’s a side-impact, head-on, or rear-end collision, your seatbelt can be the difference between sustaining minor injuries or catastrophic ones.

Keep Up with Vehicle Maintenance

Yes, keeping up with your vehicle maintenance can be expensive. There’s the cost of oil changes, vehicle realignment, and tire replacement, to name a few. This may seem like an unnecessary expense when your vehicle is running great—however, not keeping up with your vehicle’s maintenance can also cause a traffic accident.

Old tires with worn treads lack traction, meaning you may not be able to stop in time to avoid hitting a road hazard like a pedestrian or a stopped vehicle. Vehicles out of alignment are harder to control. Don’t forget about maintaining your vehicle’s brakes. If your brakes are going, your chances of being in an auto accident are significantly higher.

Besides, the cost of vehicle maintenance is significantly cheaper than dealing with damages after a traffic collision.

What to Do If You’re Involved in a Car Accident

Even if you’re doing everything right like obeying all traffic laws and keeping up with vehicle maintenance, accidents can still happen. So, do you know what to do if you’re involved in a car wreck?

Report the Accident

Like most states, California doesn’t require drivers to report all vehicle accidents. If property damage is minimal and there aren’t any injuries or fatalities present, drivers can skip calling the authorities. Both drivers must agree and you should still exchange insurance and contact information.

While not having to wait for the authorities to arrive at the accident scene can seem like a positive, it also has downsides.

If you’re planning on filing a claim against the other driver’s insurance provider to recover your damages, you’re going to need to prove fault. This is usually determined at the accident scene by the responding authorities. If you wait to file an accident report, evidence can be lost.

You may run into some problems proving the other driver is responsible for causing the collision, which can impact your ability to recover compensation.

Gather Evidence

Before you can file a personal injury claim, you’re going to need supporting evidence, which includes your accident report, medical records, and property repair estimates. Other types of evidence can include eyewitness testimony.

You may also be able to supply video evidence. Most businesses are equipped with surveillance systems, this also applies to residences. You may be surprised at how many homeowners have security cameras. Even a doorbell cam can be an invaluable source of evidence. Don’t forget about traffic cameras. They may have captured the accident.

Consult with an Experienced Accident Attorney

You have your supporting evidence and are ready to file a personal injury claim. However, there’s another step you may want to consider.

Partnering with an experienced accident attorney can help ensure that your claim is ready for review by the insurance company. Your attorney can handle all of the legal details while you focus on making a recovery.