What Are Some Common Injuries in a Car Accident?
Car accident injuries — from whiplash and sprains to TBIs and paralysis — cause significant damage to drivers and passengers. The severity of your injuries often depends on the position of your vehicle when the accident occurred, how and where you were hit, and whether or not you were wearing a seatbelt.

If you want to learn about car accidents and how you can recover compenation for your loses, consult with an experienced car accident injuries attorney and read on for the most common injuries in vehicle collisions.
Common Car Accident Injuries
Motor vehicle accident victims can suffer any of the following common car crash injuries:
Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)
Motor vehicle crashes are one of the leading causes of TBIs. TBIs are caused by a blow or a piercing injury to the head. Each year, 50,000 people die and up to 90,000 suffer long-term disabilities due to these injuries.
Back and Spine Injuries or Paralysis
Spine injuries may cause long-term disability. When damage is done to the back and spine, this may result in partial or total paralysis. After suffering a back injury, your symptoms may be delayed, so it’s wise to seek medical attention even if you feel fine. Paralysis, back pain, and disability can be ongoing and require additional treatments.
Severe Burns
If a vehicle catches fire or if skin comes into contact with hot fluids, surfaces, steam, or chemicals, crash victims can suffer severe burns. Serious burn injuries could require surgery, skin grafting, and ongoing treatments.
Loss of Limb and Amputations
If you’ve severed a limb or other appendages in a crash or suffered serious damage that requires surgical amputation, these injuries have permanent effects. They also could lead to costly healthcare expenses that should be covered by the negligent driver’s insurance.
Whiplash and Neck Injury
Whiplash is common when muscles, ligaments, or tendon injuries cause neck pain after an injury to soft tissue in a car accident. Whiplash can occur while wearing a safety belt while traveling at speeds as low as 15 mph. If you’ve suffered a severe disk injury or a cervical dislocation, consult with a personal injury lawyer.
Bodily Injuries, Broken Bones, and Fractures
Car accident victims can suffer the following types of breaks and fractures in a car accident:
- Broken legs
- Broken ribs
- Broken arms
- Strained, sprained, or broken ankles
- Broken pelvis
- Distal radius fractures (broken wrists)
- Compound fractures that may require surgery
- Multiple fractures
- Meniscus and cartilage tearing
- Shoulder tears and sprains
- Lacerations, bruises, and “road rash”
- Disfiguring facial injuries and scars
- Crush injuries
- Soft tissue injuries and ligament damage
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Car accident injury victims can suffer from mental and emotional trauma. Post-traumatic stress disorder can make your routine seem impossible and requires additional therapy and treatment.
If you were hurt in a vehicle accident, it’s important to understand the types of injuries you’ve suffered to get started on your journey to recovering compensation.
Pic: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-pushing-a-stretcher-6754163/