What Makes US Roads Dangerous for Motorcyclists

Motorcycles account for only 3% of all registered vehicles in the US. However, motorcycles account for 14% of all traffic fatalities. The death rate is very high in motorcycle accidents because of the lack of protection. Cars have metal structures protecting the driver; motorcycles don’t.

What Makes US Roads Dangerous for Motorcyclists

It should be noted that the most common cause of motorcycle accidents is negligence. People tend to breach the duty of care they owe to others just because it is convenient for them.

The US roads are becoming more and more dangerous for motorcyclists every day.

But what makes the roads dangerous for motorcyclists? Read on to learn why.

Negligent drivers

  • Distracted driving: Drivers are easily distracted in the modern world. Smartphones can make drivers take their eyes, hands, and minds off the road.
  • Driving under the influence: Drunk drivers are a huge threat to society. They can’t react to sudden traffic movement and will have impaired vision. Severe punishments are necessary to control drunk driving.
  • Aggressive driving: Rash driving is a huge problem in the US. Sadly, motorcyclists are the ones who suffer the most. Speeding, weaving in and out of different lanes, and running red lights are common forms of aggressive driving.
  • Opening car doors: Car drivers should check for motorcyclists before opening their doors. Dooring is a common cause of motorcycle accidents. Motorcyclists should avoid driving near parked cars.
  • Sleep-deprived driving: When a driver is tired and sleepy, they should just park their car and take a rest. Sleep-deprived drivers will have no control over their cars. It is best not to drive in this situation.

Road hazards

  • Potholes: Potholes are a minor inconvenience for cars but a major hazard for motorcycles. A speeding motorcycle will go completely out of control when it runs over a pothole. It can be hard to notice potholes at night. It is better to drive slowly.
  • Animals: You should be on the lookout for animals crossing the road. Hitting an animal can result in catastrophic accidents. Most animals have strong bones, so it can damage the vehicle a lot.
  • Gravel: Gravel on the road can cause motorcycles to swerve out of control. It can sometimes result in tire blowouts. A blown tire can lead to severe accidents.
  • Construction sites: Construction on the road is common in the US. The construction crew must maintain proper signs and follow safety regulations. Negligence on this duty can lead to accidents.

Weather conditions 

  • Rain: Driving in the rain may seem poetic in movies, but it is not an enjoyable experience. Even if you enjoy riding in the rain, it is not safe. The roads will be slippery, and vision will also be impaired.
  • Snow: Driving in the snow is a skill. The roads will be very slippery. Vehicles will skid easily. The braking distance will also be greater during the winter.
  • Fog: Fog makes it very hard to see the road. Motorcycles are easy-to-miss vehicles, even in normal weather. It will be even more difficult to see motorcyclists in foggy weather. 

A Lawyer Can Help

Most of the common causes of motorcycle accidents can be avoided with a little effort. Drivers should just be a little more careful.

However, for some reason, people don’t want to be careful.

If you have been hit by a negligent driver, know that help is available in the form of lawyers.

Experienced motorcycle accident lawyers can help victims obtain fair compensation for their losses by negotiating with the insurance company. So hire a lawyer immediately if you have been involved in a motorcycle accident.

Final Thoughts

Yes, the US roads are becoming dangerous for motorcyclists. But together, we can make it safe for every road user. The power of personal injury law and lawyers can help build a better society. Let’s take the initiative and build a safer society.