6 Pieces of Evidence You Should Gather to Win a Motorcycle Accident Case
Motorcycles are fun vehicles to ride. Nothing beats the experience of dashing down an empty highway with nothing to stop you. As fun as they are, motorcycle riding is fraught with risk. Motorcycles don’t have any protective metal coverings like cars. This makes motorcyclists extremely vulnerable, as even minor accidents can throw them off their vehicles.

Motorcycle accident lawyers help victims recover fair compensation for their losses. They assist victims throughout the claim process, making sure that they don’t commit any mistakes and get the compensation they deserve.
One element that is important for a successful motorcycle accident claim is evidence.
Without sufficient evidence, your motorcycle accident claim will be denied by the insurance company, as victims bear the burden of proof.
This article talks about six important pieces of evidence that you should have. These pieces of evidence will greatly increase the chances of higher motorcycle accident compensation.
Medical records and bills
Medical records and bills play a crucial role in a motorcycle accident claim. They have two major contributions to make.
- They prove the severity of your injuries
- They help you prepare an estimate of how much you spent on recovery
It is important to prove that you suffered actual damages in the motorcycle accident. If you haven’t suffered any damages, you don’t have a basis for a motorcycle accident claim.
Proof of absence from work
Motorcycle accidents, especially the severe ones, will force you to take time off of work. This may either be because you rely on your motorcycle for commutes or because your injuries haven’t healed yet.
Severe conditions like fractures and spinal cord injuries take weeks, if not months, for full recovery. In such circumstances, producing proof of absence from your employer along with wage slips will be handy in winning your motorcycle accident claim.
Motorcycle repair bills
A motorcycle is vulnerable to the slightest of nudges while in motion. It will experience some kind of damage even if it’s involved in a simple no contact motorcycle accident.
The amount spent on repairing the motorcycle after the accident can be proven through motorcycle repair bills. The higher the bills, the greater the severity of the accident.
Therapist statements
Some motorcycle accident injuries are so severe that their effects may linger long after the accident. It can either be physical (pain and injury-related conditions) or emotional (trauma).
You will have to consult a specialist to get these conditions treated. Specialists here refer to professionals like physiotherapists or psychiatrists.
The statements given by these specialists will be useful in proving the impact of the motorcycle accident. It will also reveal the hardships you are suffering because of the accident.
Photos and videos related to the accident
The photos and videos captured immediately after the accident are vital to proving a number of things. They are mentioned below.
- The direction of the impact
- The severity of the injuries
- The damage the bike has sustained
- Whether any law was broken
- The potential liable parties
- Identifying features of those involved in the accident
The photos and videos related to the accident are crucial pieces of evidence. You must try to capture as many images as possible immediately after the accident to improve the chances of a successful motorcycle accident claim.
Witness statements
Witnesses provide a first-hand, third-party account of the motorcycle accident. As a result, their statements hold high value.
Keep an eye out for those who might have witnessed the accident. If possible, collect their contact information and their willingness to participate in the motorcycle accident case.
Final Thoughts
Evidence plays a crucial role in any case, not just a motorcycle accident case. Even if you have collected sufficient evidence, it is important to know how to take advantage of it.
A motorcycle accident lawyer is pretty handy in this situation. Their expertise of the local laws and experience in handling cases make them the ideal person to represent you in a motorcycle accident claim.
Pic: https://imagesource.io/images/motorcycle-accident-53/