Right-Hand Drive vs. Left-Hand Drive: A Comparison of Driving Experiences
When it comes to driving, countries around the globe all have their own way of doing things. The split factor is whether a person drives left-hand or right-hand, and it causes a lot of confusion for travelers each holiday season. Each style has its own feel to it, and it is important to feel comfortable either way if you are going to be driving in the opposite way to which you are accustomed. This guide has a comparison of the driving experiences.

Definition Time: Left-Hand Drive
Let’s start by defining a left-hand drive vehicle experience. This term means that the steering wheel for the vehicle is on the left side and the car goes on the right-hand side of the road. Lots of countries operate this way including America, China and Russia.
Right-Hand Drive
A right-hand drive vehicle has its steering column on the right. This then dictates that the car is driven on the left side of the road. This is a common driving method in places like the UK, Fiji and Australia.
How It Impacts Driving
The majority of cars, trucks, and vans are made the same way when it comes to where the pedals sit and the placement of the gear stick, if applicable. So, for a left or right-hand automobile, the accelerator is typically on the right. This is to cater to the fact that the majority of drivers in the world are predominantly right-handed, which means this is their strongest side and it makes it easier to get the car up to speed with the stronger correlating leg and foot.
The Advantages of Left-Hand Driving
It is useful to discuss the benefits of each style of driving, and the left-hand setup has a few to speak of.
Increased Visibility
When a vehicle is left-hand drive, the person in charge of operating it is sat more central. A natural consequence, therefore, is that they have an enhanced visibility range. This enables them to see oncoming traffic and the road ahead more clearly, which in turn, increases safety.
These types of vehicles are fairly common. This means you have a ton of options when it comes to picking a car that works for you.
The Advantages of Right-Hand Driving
When it comes to right-hand driving, there are also a few benefits worth mentioning. While these vehicles are generally less common when it comes to availability and circulation, the driving experience is still a good one.
Unique Vehicle Options
Left-hand vehicles are everywhere, but there are a lot of unique options for RHD cars. This is because the import market opens up a world of possibilities and there are some high-end, classy vehicles to pick from. You can even get vehicles imported to NC or elsewhere if you want. This makes life easier when selecting an automobile.
Better Road Awareness
While LHD means a driver can see more, right-hand cars make it far easier to actually maintain communication with other road users and even pedestrians and cyclists. This is because of the position of the driver in the car and is a definite safety perk to think about.
The History
The history goes right back to the days of horse-drawn carriages. People could opt for sitting on either side, but it was still most common for left-hand seating so that the right hand was kept free for holding a sword or saying hello. While drivers don’t tend to hold a sword nowadays, the right hand remains dominant.
So, it all comes down to what you feel comfortable with, and which hand is dominant. This will undeniably inform your choice, but you also have to factor in where you live and what the norm is around you.
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